1.used for talking about the relationship between one number or amount and another
1.The layout settings can be controlled for each field inpidually but it is very easy to set them for all fields at once.
2.I said yes, there was a bonus for each chip they saved, and he just shook his head and then clucked his tongue .
3.Write it down: Write down your goals, how much you spend and what your bills are for each month.
4.For each action, try to separate out the long-term goal from the next step (which may be a baby-step).
5.How much is the charge for each call?
6.Our heroes Bunny. Found a factory to the bottom of the road, He wanted to turn in the road for each of the bombs off!
7.It also profiles the main CROs in each country, providing key contact details and a description of the company's services for each one.
8.How much progress has the team made toward completing the work for each story?
9.Assessing such policies in terms of how much carbon reduction they achieve for each pound spent, these high figures are hard to justify.
10.The programme approached 20 charities but found only two willing to disclose how much they paid their chuggers for each new donor.